Membership Form

How to Join St. Paul's

There are so many ways to be connected at St. Paul's! Please know that an official piece of paper is just one way to join the community, not the only way.

To officially join St. Paul's, we ask that you meet with a member of the clergy, fill out the membership form, attend worship regularly, and have a financial pledge. If you are already a member at a different church, the cathedral staff will initiate a membership transfer.

If you would like to officially become an Episcopalian (through baptism, confirmation, or reception) we ask that you do all of the above steps, but in addition, the clergy and congregation will journey with you as you prepare for these sacraments entrance rites into the Body of Christ and Episcopal Church.

Please know that you don't have to be an Episcopalian to participate fully in life at St. Paul's. You also don't have to be an official member to attend worship or pledge.

Please download the fillable Member Information Form below, then email it to us at so we may update your information.

Membership Information Form


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