Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Many of the important liturgical functions of our church services are entrusted to the laity, calling upon the gifts of many different people serving together to the glory of God.

The Cathedral Customary specifies individual roles and liturgical responsibilities during worship.

Acolyte Guild

A gateway to a lifetime of serving the Church, the mission of the Acolyte Guild is to guide the young people at St. Paul’s on a path of Christian faith and spiritual growth. They do this through assisting the clergy of St. Paul’s during each Sunday service and on special occasions. Adult acolyte masters mentor the young acolytes before and during church services. Those who are interested, can receive introductory training and begin serving after their 8th birthday. In addition to serving at the 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services, acolytes also participate in special services at Christmas, Easter and during the annual Liturgy Leaders Festival at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Click here to read the Acolyte Training Manual. For more information contact Gary Derrick. 

Altar Guild

A centerpiece of Mass is the Altar. Setting the Lord's table is a very specific task and members of the Altar Guild are responsible for setting up and refreshing the altar for all church services when Holy Communion is served in addition to providing additional support for other services. Altar Guild members set up for Communion then clean, restore and reset afterwards. The Altar Guild provides and cares for everything required for Holy Communion: vessels, linen, candles and liturgical furnishings. The Altar Guild is made up of four teams that serve for one week every four weeks. Training is provided by experienced Altar Guild members along with a manual that describes all of the procedures. For more information contact  Scott Woods or Dianne Dooley, Co-Chairs of Altar Guild.

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Lector and Lay Eucharistic Ministry

The St. Paul’s Cathedral Lector and Lay Eucharistic Ministry serves at regularly scheduled Sunday church services at 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. and at the noon service on Wednesdays, in addition to participating in all special services including weddings and funerals. Lay ministers also assist with Sunday evening services, during Holy Week services, the Easter Vigil and Christmas Eve services. Lectors read Scripture for the congregation and take part in the Prayers of the People. Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion. For more information contact Canon Precentor Joseph Ripka.

Oblationer Guild

The Oblationer ministry brings the offerings of bread and wine (Sacraments) to the Altar. The wine carafe and bread container are carried by lay people to the altar steps and given to an Acolyte. Oblationers are often a family, though anyone may serve with any parishioner or by themselves. As they offer the “oblations” of the congregation, they are referred to as the Oblationers for that service. For more information contact Jana Plowman.

Usher Guild

Ushers greet Parishioners and visitors to the Cathedral at the door at all services on Sundays and distribute service bulletins to attendees. Ushers also collect the offering and present it during each Sunday service. They also assist in guiding Parishioners to the communion rail to receive the Holy Communion. For more information contact Ashley Wells.

Verger Guild

In ancient times the Verger was the Protector of the Procession in the Church. The Verger was the first person in the procession that “cleared” the way as the procession made its way to the Altar. Today’s Vergers are laypersons who serve the Church in a welcoming ministry. In addition to organizing and leading the procession, Vergers are especially helpful assisting visiting clergy or with special services. Tasks are assigned by the Dean or Priest-in-Charge as the primary duty of the Verger is to assist clergy prior to the the start of a Holy Communion church service. For more information contact Ian Bass.


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