Children & Youth

Children & Youth

Your Family is important here. We believe all people are made in God's image, including our children & youth.

We at Saint Paul’s are committed to helping children grow in faith. While it may seem that they don’t always understand what is going on, they often understand more than we realize. By our attitude, they understand church is a special and sacred place where they are loved and accepted. Our church service provides an excellent opportunity for parents to be involved in the spiritual nurturing of their children. Church School, led by people who are engaged in communicating the love of God to children, offers children age-appropriate learning opportunities led by loving people using sound resources.

Questions about our Children & Youth ministry? Email Youth Minister, Page Jackson at or Children, Family and Cathedral Life Minister, Ashley Ozan at

Children's Formation

Church School - Sundays at 10:10 am (September through late December & January through late May)

At Saint Paul's Cathedral we provide weekly Sunday morning Church School for all children ages 3 until 5th grade when children enter into our youth program. Presently church school begins at 10:10 following a gathering time in the Reception area where we will divide into age groups to have a bible story and discussion or craft time.

Classes and Curriculum
At St. Paul's, we use a variety of curricula - each selected to best engage children at different stages of physical, mental and spiritual development. Each class will start the year in the Old Testament and then work their way into the New Testament during the seasons of Advent/Lent.

  • Room 1 - 3 Year Olds to K: We are using the Spark House curriculum. This curriculum allows children to interact with the Bible in every lesson to help kids navigate the story and begin to compare what they learn to their own life.
  • Room 2 - 1st - 2nd Grade: We are using the Godly Play method of Bible stories. Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance and is used widely in the Episcopal Church.
  • Room 3 - 3rd - 4th Grades: We are using the Whirl curriculum. This curriculum helps kids imagine what the Bible characters are saying and thinking while watching the Bible story video. It also uses activities, interactive games, and creative crafts to engage in the Bible story.
  • Room 5 Middle School (Grades 5-8): We are using the Journey 2 Adulthood curriculum. This curriculum is designed to help develop critical thinking and responsibility while introducing new ways of engaging with scripture and prayer.
  • Room 7 - High School (Grades 9-12): We are using the 4WARD curriculum. This curriculum emphasizes discernment and vocation. It includes robust Bible studies and focuses on service to the church and community.

Sunday Youth Group
Sunday Night: Youth group will meet from 4-6pm September-May.

Special Events for Cathedral Kids:
In addition to our Sunday morning programs we also offer a number of special events that help our Cathedral kids and their families grow in faith throughout the year. Check the Cathedral Announcements or Latest Events and Calendar to learn more.

Nursery & Childcare

Nursery and Child Care is offered Sundays from 7:45 a.m. until 12:45 pm
Childcare: Ages 6 months through 7

Sometimes young children find a church service a challenge to endure. St. Paul's offers the option for adults to place children in the Nursery or in Child Care. In addition to Sunday mornings, the Nursery and Child Care is available, on most holidays including Christmas Eve and for all evening services during Holy Week. Nursery or Child Care may also be available during special events. Please check the calendar of events or the weekly Ministry Minute for more details.

Check-In Procedures: Parents bringing children for Nursery and/or Child Care may check children in at the desk located in the hallway to the north of the Reception Desk on the first floor of the Education Building. The Education Building is the building to the right (facing North) of the Church. The child is received and checked in by a child care worker. Adults responsible for the child must leave a mobile number where they can receive a text message or phone call during the church service in case of an emergency, an illness or a behavioral concern.

All first time Nursery/Child Care attendees complete a registration form which is available at the check-in desk.

Safety and Security: The Nursery and Child Care facility follows Department of Human Services Standards, where possible, in the care and safety of Cathedral children. The Nursery and Child Care staff has completed Safeguarding God's Children training and are certified in CPR/First Aid within 60 days of the date of hire. Staff members also follow the St. Paul's Policies and Procedures for Childcare and Childcare Workers. Mask wearing is required for all adults within the building to be worn. Children who are able to wear a mask are also encouraged. Lastly, all childcare workers are vaccinated for covid and are highly encouraged to receive an annual flu shot.


February 2025 Youth Group News

Register for Feb. '25 New Beginnings Retreat

Register for 2025 Camp at St. Crispin's

At St. Paul's we strive to walk with our teens on their path to adulthood.

Our desire is to help youth recognize their spiritual gifts, learn how to serve God, help them form and learn answers to their questions about faith while fostering their desire to make a difference in the world. Our youth group meets at least once a month. Contact Page Jackson for more information.

For 2024-2025 Youth Group: The St. Paul's Youth hold Youth Group on Sundays from 4-6 at the Cathedral Undercroft. Church School for youth takes place at the 10:10 a.m. Formation Hour on Sunday every week. St. Paul's Youth will volunteer once a month at either City Care or SISU and For more information reach out Page Jackson, Youth Minister.

St Crispin's Summer Camp Dates have been released.  You can find more info HERE. Registration for 2025 is open!
June 1st-7th - All Ages Camp (4th to 2025 HS Grads)
June 8th-14th - Senior High (10th to 2025 HS Grads)
June 15th-21st - Intermediate (4th to 6th) 
June 22nd-28th - Junior High (7th to 9th)

St Crispin's Staff and Counselor In Training Opportunities are now accepting applications.
Apply for Staff at St. Crispin's 
Apply to be a Counselor in Training

Cathedral Choristers

The Cathedral Chorister program provides youth with a foremost musical education that embraces the tradition of children's voices. For nearly one thousand years, children (primarily boys until the last sixty years) have sung daily services in the great cathedrals and collegiate chapels of England. Our holistic approach to training these choristers places equal emphasis on musical development, religious education, leadership training and social activities. Cathedral Choristers receive professional training in the fundamentals of music including sight-reading, ear-training, and music theory. 
The program is open to boys and girls in grades K through 12. Teen boys with changed voices are also welcome. Rehearsal times offer flexibility and choristers are required to attend twice per week, and every Sunday. Choristers sing Choral Evensong on the 3rd Wednesday each month (within rehearsal hours) and Sunday Choral Evensong every other month. 

This is a Oklahoma community program, and open and available to anyone who would like to join. Membership at St. Paul's or a particular religious or faith affiliation is not required.

Interested families should contact Canon Musician Designate Joseph Ripka to set up a meeting or email Joseph for more information or click HERE to sign up.


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