Cathedral Circles & Socials

Cathedral Circles and Socials are meeting now at St. Paul’s!

  • Women's Cathedral Circle (ECW) - Contact Heather Sessing
  •  ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) - 1pm first Wednesday, Ihop - 5201 N. Classen Blvd. Contact Dick Opalka
  •  Caffeinated Yappy Hour Social - Each Second Saturday 10-11:30 a.m. in the East Garden for people and their dogs to visit and play.             Coffee provided! Contact Jess & Katie Chesnut for details. 
  •  Cathedral Book Club (Online) - Meets monthly or at other specified times. More info HERE or contact David Gaither for details.
  •  Crafting Cathedral Circle - Contact Betsy Banks
  • Prayer Shawl Circle -  The Prayer Shawl Ministry of St. Paul's meets twice monthly to make prayer shawls and baby blankets filled with prayer that will be blessed and delivered to those in need. Meets from 1-2 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays each month in the Reception Area of the Education Building. Bring your own yarn and supplies, training is provided. This group is open to men or women of any age. Questions contact Deacon Tracy Anderson. While the group meets in person on the dates above, you can always knit or crochet at home or on your own time and contribute products that help our supply. 

Cathedral Circles
Cathedral Circles are lay-led interest groups that are meant to be smaller gatherings. The purpose of these groups is to create more intimate fellowship opportunities within the Cathedral community around a particular group enterprise. Sample ideas include bible study, brewery meet-ups, steak night, serving our neighbor homeless outreach, Friday fishing, rainbow collective, etc.
Group Requirements:
At least one lay leader whose contact info can be shared for communications.
Must meet at least twice a year.
Meeting times/days are coordinated by group members and leaders and must be communicated to Dean Churchwell to put on church communication outlets.
How to Start a Cathedral Circle:
Questions to consider: What interests you that other people might be interested in? Do you want to fill a need in the church community, the wider community? Do you want to fellowship around a special interest?
Email Ashley Ozan, Minister to Families & Children at to discuss your idea.
**Circles are subject to approval by Cathedral Staff**




Sign Up Methods


1.  Via link. Click here or one of the above circles.

2.  QR Code       

3.  In the Cathedral's Reception Area

4. Email:

Connect with others at the Cathedral and sign up today


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