Adult Formation

Adult Formation

St. Paul's Cathedral provides a variety of adult formation opportunities throughout the week, with the goal of growing your faith.

Sunday Formation at 10:10am - Adults (Dean Willey Hall): Join us for a rotating series of topics led by St. Paul's Clergy and Lay Leaders or Staff.

Confirmation Classes & Confirmation Class Resources
Are you new to the Episcopal Tradition or wanting to refresh your knowledge of the Church? Join Clergy for this six-week course on the foundations of the Christian faith and Anglican Tradition. Classes meet on Sunday afternoons at 3:30pm-4:45pm - Next Class Session Feb. 18 - March 24, 2024 with Confirmation on Saturday, 3/30/2024 at 8pm during the Bishop's Visit and Easter Vigil Service.

A variety of Spirituality Programs, including Retreat in Daily Life/Ignatian Exercises, offered through the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, are available. 

Wednesday Night Formation

Lenten and Advent Dinners - During Lent and Advent we will gather for a meal together at 6pm and hear from a leader in the OKC community about civic and other important issues. We will use this time to learn, discuss and pray about ways in which the Cathedral community can further engage and grow, continuing to be a vibrant part of our community. Watch the previous two Lenten Dinner Series below.

Dr. Samuel Perry Dean Katie Churchwell

Other Weekday Formation


 Saint Paul's Cathedral Book Club/Study - Autobiography of Pauli Murray via Zoom starting Tuesday August 06, 2024 for 5 weeks. Click the icon for more information and how to register.  Join us for fellowship and to learn more about Pauli Murray.

Pub(lic) Theology: Cultivating Meaningful Conversations in the Public Square - (formerly 'Pub Theology') - Join our Clergy and your friends at McNellie's Third Floor on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm for lively discussions on a theological topic. This group’s objective is to foster respectful, civil dialogue in a safe environment. So bring your questions, critical thinking skills, open hearts and pull up a chair!

High Fidelity - Join Father Tim Sean in the Reception Area in the Education Building on the fourth Sunday of each month at 6pm before Compline at 8pm. High Fidelity is a music-listening group for those who see the truth of God at work in music that is not written for sacred purposes. Contact Father Tim Sean for more info.

Questions about Adult Formation? Email Dean Churchwell at


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